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Noam Chomsky A 2023 Perspective On The War In Ukraine

Noam Chomsky: A 2023 Perspective on the War in Ukraine

Russia's "Humane" Approach?

In an interview, Noam Chomsky, a renowned scholar and dissident, addressed recent developments in the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Notably, Chomsky argued that Russia is conducting the war more "humanely" than the United States did during its invasion of Iraq.

Provocations by the West

Chomsky also highlighted the role of the West in provoking the conflict. He suggested that the expansion of NATO eastward, perceived by Russia as a threat to its security, contributed to the escalation of tensions.

Diplomatic Efforts Crucial

According to Chomsky, the only viable path to resolving the conflict is through diplomacy. He urged an all-out effort to negotiate a peaceful settlement, emphasizing the critical need to avoid further bloodshed and destruction.

Geopolitical Stakes for the Left

In a separate discussion with Bill Fletcher Jr., Chomsky emphasized the geopolitical stakes of the war for the left. He stressed that it is crucial for the left to challenge both Russian imperialism and Western provocations, and to advocate for a just and peaceful resolution that prioritizes human rights and international law.


Noam Chomsky's insights provide a sobering assessment of the complex dynamics at play in the war in Ukraine. His emphasis on diplomacy and the responsibilities of the left underscores the need for urgent action to prevent further escalation and to seek a lasting peace that respects the sovereignty and well-being of all involved parties.
